uc davis materials science engineering undergraduate forms

Forms and Petitions

Important Paperwork for All Situations

EMS 99/199 – Research Credit

Use the variable-unit course form to receive units for the research you are doing with a Materials Science and Engineering faculty member. After writing your project proposal, please have your instructor sign the form. Return the form, along with your proposal, via email to chms-ugadvising@ucdavis.edu by the 10th day of instruction. Late forms will not be approved. Once the petition has been reviewed for completeness, you will be issued a CRN, which you will use to register the credit on Schedule Builder.

EMS 192 – Internship Credit

Complete this form to receive units for your internship with a company outside of UC Davis. A Materials Science and Engineering faculty member will need to sponsor your internship and sign off as the “faculty sponsor” on the petition prior to beginning your internship. Return the form, complete with signatures, via email to chms-ugadvising@ucdavis.edu by the 10th day of instruction. Late forms will not be approved. Once it has been reviewed for completeness, you will be issued a CRN, which you will use to register the credit on Schedule Builder.

Online Forms 

 Paper Forms

Registrar’s Office Forms