Resources to Help You Succeed as a Graduate Student
As a graduate student, you have access to a wide range of resources and agencies on campus ready to help with any problem you may be facing. A full list of all the resources offered to graduate students is available on the Graduate Studies website, including a comprehensive list of those aimed at diversity, professional development and work life and wellness. We have highlighted a couple of the most commonly-used resources, plus a few you may not have heard of before:
Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS)
Student Health and Counseling Services houses both on-campus medical care facilities, as well as counseling services. As part of the counseling program, a psychologist dedicated to graduate students, Bai-Yin Chen, regularly holds appointments in Graduate Studies to enable greater confidentiality. This office also handles all UC SHIP insurance questions through their insurance services unit, including instructions for opting out of UC SHIP.
Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS)
This office is your one-stop shop for all matters regarding your status as an international student on campus. Their staff and advisors handle everything from distributing your I-20 to processing your OPT application. The majority of SISS forms, such as the CPT application, are processed through an online system, iGlobal, and then automatically routed to your graduate coordinator for approval. SISS also coordinates activities for the partners and families of international students and assists with information regarding family visits.
Internship and Career Center (ICC)
The Internship and Career Center is the place to find job and internship listings and attend workshops, seminars and events to help improve your chances of finding the perfect job. The ICC has dedicated advisors for graduate students who can advise on jobs in industry and academia. If you’re not sure which path to take, the ICC has you covered: you can attend one of the career treks (field trips to local companies) or faculty panels on hiring in academia. The ICC also hosts quarterly internship and career fairs, with a special graduate student career fair in the fall.
Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Entrepreneurship (ESTEME)
Many of our graduate students participate in this student-run outreach and professional development program committed to increasing diversity and eliminating inequity in STEM fields. Activities include hosting an annual colloquium, running outreach programs in area K-12 schools and leading campus tours.

UC Davis Athletics
All UC Davis athletic events are free for graduate students. If you attend any game at the start of fall quarter, present your student ID and you can receive a free AggiePack t-shirt. The Cal Aggie Marching Band-Uh! performs at halftime for football and basketball games. During performances, AggiePack student leaders throw coveted tube socks and Aggie beads in to the stands.