In Memory of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Subhash Mahajan
It is with great sadness that the Department of Materials Science and Engineering announces the passing of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Subhash Mahajan. He is remembered in the community as a gifted mentor and generous friend and colleague.
Mahajan was considered one of the foremost experts on electronic materials and slip and twinning phenomena. His research focused on understanding the interrelationship between structure properties in semiconductors and the deformation behavior of solids.
Mahajan came to UC Davis in 2010, joining what was known then as the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and with the role of Special Advisor to the Chancellor for Linda Katehi. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree with highest honors from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He served as faculty in Europe and the U.S., including Carnegie Mellon University and Arizona State University. He received numerous accolades and was an honored member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the Materials Research Society, ASM International, and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
The department is collecting memories and words of condolences for the family on a kudoboard.