New American Ceramic Society award named after Alexandra Navrotsky
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) has established a new award named after Distinguished Professor Alexandra Navrotsky that recognizes innovation in experimental thermodynamics of solids.
The award, which will be given every other year, was established by a gift from Navrotsky herself to the society to recognize and promote exceptional thermodynamics research over a two-year period. Winners will receive a $5,000 prize and will present their research at the ACerS annual meeting.
“I’m looking beyond my career,” Navrotsky told ACerS’ Faye Oney. “I just celebrated my 75th birthday. In that spirit, I thought that an award in thermodynamics through The American Ceramic Society would give the field more visibility and show that in ceramics, and materials science in general, thermodynamics is alive and well.”
Navrotsky’s distinguished research career has focused on the relationship between structure and bonding to the thermodynamic behavior of materials such as minerals and ceramics. She is a leader in the field of high-temperature calorimetry and has worked to develop and commercialize several pieces of equipment to help her do her research.
The Navrotsky Award is just one of the ways she has worked to promote thermodynamics research in the last few years. In June 2017, she co-founded of the interdisciplinary Thermodynamics Consortium (ThermoCon), which connects thermodynamics researchers from different industries and countries to work together to advance research in the field.
Navrotsky has been one of UC Davis’ most distinguished professors since she joined the university in 1997. She has a faculty appointment in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences and Land, Air and Water Resources, holding the title of Distinguished Interdisciplinary Professor in Ceramic, Earth and Environmental Materials Chemistry. She also directs the Nanomaterials in the Environment, Agriculture and Technology (NEAT) program and the Peter A. Rock Thermochemistry Laboratory and serves as the Edward Roessler Chair in Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
The American Ceramic Society is a non-profit professional organization focused on scientific research, emerging technologies and applications related to ceramic materials. Their mission is to advance the study, understanding and use of ceramics and related materials for the benefit of its members and society.
Read the ACerS press release about the award for more information.