Materials magic show a hit at 105th Picnic Day
The Material Advantage Student Chapter (MASC) at UC Davis hosted its annual Materials Magic Show at the 105th Picnic Day on April 13, 2019 and drew large crowds for each of its three shows in the Science Lecture Hall.
The student-run show introduces Picnic Day audiences to the world of materials science and engineering through magic. This year’s show was Incredibles-themed, as the students performed skits and experiments in costumes and told a story using materials.
Over the past several years, the materials magic show has become a staple of Picnic Day and is regularly mentioned as a highlight of the festivities. Themes have ranged from Star Wars to Harry Potter to Marvel superheroes in the recent past.
MASC is a national student organization run by leading members of top professional materials societies around the world, including the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), the Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST), ASM International and the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS). The UC Davis chapter serves as a community for all students interested in materials science and engineering and an opportunity to learn more about the field.
For more information about MASC and the Material Advantage program, visit the Material Advantage website and the MASC at UC Davis Facebook page.