MSE and ChemE hold 4th annual research symposium
The 4th Annual ChemE and MSE Research Symposium at UC Davis was held in Kemper Hall on Friday, Nov. 4th, 2016. The event featured nine oral presentations in the morning, and a poster session in the afternoon. All participants commented on the quality of the research being presented, as well as the enthusiastic attendance from both Departments.
Awards were given for the following categories:
Graduate Student Poster Grand Prize:
‘Aerosol Emission During Human Speech’
Sima Asadi, Chemical Engineering, Ristenpart Research Group
Graduate Student Poster Reserve Prize:
‘Response to Extreme Temperatures of Mesoporous Silica MCM-41: Porous Structure Transformation Simulation and Modification of Gas Adsorption Properties’
Shenli Zhang, Materials Science & Engineering, Faller, Castro, and Stroeve Research Groups
Graduate Student Oral Presentation Grand Prize:
‘Dewetting transitions of Au/Ni bilayer films’
Xi Cen, Materials Science & Engineering, van Benthem Research Group