Support Materials Science and Engineering at UC Davis

Our Students
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) students receive the training that will put them on the cutting edge of their field, with applications in renewable energy, biotechnology, electronic devices and the processing of new materials. The education they receive gives them the knowledge and skills to become leaders in industry and academia in the 21st century.
However, the cost of tuition is a financial challenge for many students, especially those from nontraditional backgrounds. Please help our students realize their educational goals by donating today. All funds given in this category will be used to provide scholarships and fellowships to support MSE students.

Our Faculty
Materials Science and Engineering faculty perform groundbreaking research in areas that include materials under extreme conditions, advanced ceramics and amorphous solids, nanotechnology, materials processing, computational materials science and the electronic, magnetic and optical properties of materials. This research uses many sophisticated materials processing and characterization tools, as well as modern computational materials techniques. Help MSE faculty develop and test the materials that will build a bright future for our state, our nation and our world.

Our Department
As the newest department in the College of Engineering, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering continues to build on the college’s prestige and rich tradition of offering both undergraduate and graduate degrees. The department is committed to excellence, recruiting talented graduate students, providing an outstanding education and engaging in cutting-edge, collaborative research in the field. The department also values diversity, seeking to attract students from traditionally underrepresented groups and with broad backgrounds in science and engineering. Help create and sustain one of the premier MSE programs in the country.
If you have specific questions about giving to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, please contact Mary McCormack, Assistant Director of Development at the College of Engineering, at